80th Anniversary Celebration

"photos & videos"


Please click on the date you want to view.
Por favor clic en la fecha usted quiere ver.
25th & Magnolia St. Temple - May 29, 2010 (Saturday / Sábado)
First Latin American Baptist Church - May 30, 2010 (Sunday / Domingo)
El Kiosko Banquet Hall - May 30, 2010 (Sunday / Domingo)
Island Lake Recreation Area - May 31, 2010 (Monday / Lunes)

THANK YOU, to all who contributed with your prayers and offerings for the 80th Anniversary of First Latin.

We were able to purchase a new 2009 12 Passenger Van from the proceeds of the Anniversary Offering.

It's VBS time again. August 10-13 at FLABC. 6:00pm-8:30pm (4 day event). Our operating cost is about $700.

If you would like to support this ministry event, please write your check to FLABC of Detroit (memo VBS).

Send to 6205 W. Fort St., Detroit MI, 48209. THANK YOU.

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